Friday, September 18, 2009


With wedding season here in full swing, I thought I'd share some snaps from my own wedding in Noosa.
We decided on a cocktail party at my Dad's property in Noosa Heads where family and close friends came to celebrate. It was an amazing day!
My bouquet was made up of honeymoon roses. In this shot the roses appear to be light pink in colour, but in the flesh they are a pale coffee or latte colour which I thought was perfect for the soft pearly grey tones of my dress. My dress is Grecian in style by designer Wayne Cooper
Johnny and I sucking up the moment!

My bouquet of honeymoon roses

Bride and Groom Johnny and Alex
The night before our wedding was supposed to be quiet. No such chance as we celebrated at the Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club late into the night. Luckily there were no hangovers the next day

My best friend and sister Danielle celebrates with me the night before our wedding.
Moss Industry's head wedding florist was officially off duty!

1 comment:

  1. I love your dress! I am in love with the color. It is going to be perfect for my best friend’s wedding. I am grateful to you for sharing this post. Her wedding is next month in one of the finest wedding venues and I was waiting for this dress only. Can you tell me from where did you get it?
